Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sustaining the Journey...

To sustain the journey...write the vision down plainly-look at it daily so you see it coming and going. Most importantly remember why you do what you do...the vision is God's truth being carried out through you. God puts a vision in every person-agreeing with His Word ignites the vision...writing it down and looking at daily keeps the flame going. Some days weariness will overshadow the vision-just keep trusting God and His timing; in due season you will reap. Remember the vision is God's truth-it will come to pass, it can't be trumped by...anything. Sustain the journey friend-be patient, God's with you! (Hab 2:1-3, Eph 2:10, Phil 1:6, Gal 6:9) 7/18/13CIFL-LMM

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