Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Agreeing, believing & doing life-God's way...

Agreeing, believing & doing life God's way leads to victory. God created you because He loved you, but you're also to carry out the works He planned & purposed for you long ago. Your salvation gets you to Heaven, but before you go...you've got a job to do. God's instilled you with specific strengths & qualities to glorify Him-to make a difference in this world. Do you know your strengths & qualities? If you do, are you using them as God has instructed you? If not, you will end up just working harder & not gaining ground-this will lead to fatigue, frustration & failure. There's a way that appears to be right in the mind...but in the end leads to death. Ask God to search your heart & reveal to you if there's anything offensive in it-this is a daily process. Often it's the three ugly cousins that keep people from walking out God's plans-their names are...doubt, pride & arrogance. They're no match for God, but you must be honest & call them out to let God help you with them. If not- they will steal the destiny God's promised you. God will bring to completion what He started in you, if you will agree, believe & do His plans. God's grace is available 24/7 as long as you humbly receive it. His grace covers everything...all that you are not & everything you need to carry out what He's asked of you. All God asks is that you trust Him with all your heart & say, "yes Lord," He does the rest-supplying  everything you need. Save yourself a life of frustration, fatigue & failure...seek God first-nothing else matters until you do. Know the Word so you can stand firm when the enemy begins to whisper lies that you don't have what it takes. If you're not renewing your mind daily with the Word...the enemy will make a mess of your mind! Are you ready to stop working harder to gain ground & begin to completely trust God with the life He planned for you-using the strengths & qualities He instilled in you? I pray you won't try to do life your way one more day...it never works. (Eph 2:10, Pr 16:25, Ps 139:23-24, Phil 1:6, Rom 12:2, Mt 6:33) 10/29/13CIFL-LMM

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