Saturday, October 12, 2013

Parenting-Jesus, test scores & destinies...

Parenting-Jesus, test scores & destinies...teach your children to call on the name of Jesus & know the power in His name. Be honest with your kids, believing in Jesus doesn't mean they won't have problems-explain people who don't follow Jesus may look like their life is better, but Jesus will always come through for those who believe in Him. The greatest gifts you can ever give your children is to know the love of Jesus-that He's mighty to save. Then model a life committed to Him-let them know you've been given the honor to parent them...but they belong to God. Ask God for guidance in parenting then put your confidence in Him-not man's wisdom. God loved your child first-He has good plans that He purposed long ago. Don't allow test scores or expert opinions to set the bar for what your child can accomplish. Test scores & diagnoses give guidelines-they don't determine destinies...God does. God's promises cover all who believe in Him-He's got your child covered. You stand in the gap & believe for them until the revelation comes on them from God. If your child looks different, seems to go to the beat of a different drum, reacts different than other children, seems more difficult to manage...don't fret-God made them & He knows how He will navigate them in this world. God also makes up for your mistakes-His sufficiency meets you when you're at your wits end. God in His goodness & grace also makes up for when you didn't know better. When you know do better-don't look will trip. Your part is to seek Christ & expect Him to make a way-then you move forward expecting a way. Remember, the burden to know what's best for your child isn't on you; your child is God's child first-He will guide you along the best path...if you seek & trust Him. Don't try to fit your child into the world's categories of success-this will hinder God's unique design for them & you will certainly feel like a failure as a parent. Keep balanced by keeping your eyes on Jesus & making His Word a lamp to your feet & a light to your path. The enemy will whisper discouragement to you, especially if you watch other children & compare them to your child. If you listen to the enemy's lies you will end up eating bags of cookies over the course of your lifetim, feel sorry for yourself & your child, then go down an ugly path of self loathing...don't go there!!! We've all been there, but we don't want to stay there! Don't open the door when discouragement knocks! God doesn't ever give us a task that He doesn't equip us to handle. Let your child see you seek the Lord for guidance, witness you praying & petitioning on their behalf, see you standing firm & not wavering, hear you confessing His truth & state you believe He's making a way even when you don't see one-let your child know you don't have all the answers ...but God does. You can't control how life happens to your child, but you can control how you prepare them...for when life happens to them. Parenting, Jesus, test scores & destinies-teach your child to call on the name of Jesus...He is mighty to save! (Ps 32:8, Zep 3:17, 1 Cor 2:5, 2 Cor 5:7, 2 Cor 12:9, Jn 6:29, Ps 119:105) 10/12/13CIFL-LMM
s mighty to save! (Zep 3:17, 1 Cor 2:5,  2 Cor 5:7,  2 Cor 12:9, Jn 6:29, Ps 119:105) 10/12/13CIFL-LMM

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