Saturday, October 12, 2013

Every end...leads to a beginning

Every end leads to a beginning. A chapter must be closed before the new one can be opened. Don't be deceived-what looks like the beginning of a new life. When Jesus went to the cross all looked lost; His loved ones were broken and felt all their preparations were for nothing-Jesus was gone and they were at the end of the road. Then they found the empty tomb-their end was a new beginning! Endurance, perseverance and confident expectation are required to move into the next chapter of your life-don't be deceived...every end leads to a beginning, a closed door leads to an open door, an old season leaves for a new one to arrive. Lift your head, continue to move forward-God has a good plan...the tomb is empty! (John 20:1-18, Jer 29:11)

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