Saturday, October 5, 2013

Plan your life until your eyes cross...

You can plan your life until your eyes cross & mind bursts into a million pieces, implement cutting edge technology & converse with top consultants in the field, but you're wasting time...unless you seek Christ first. God has good plans, to prosper & not harm you-giving you a hope & a future; these plans are woven into every aspect of your life. God's taken care of everything...nothing escapes Him. He can go back in time or forward; He makes the end known from the beginning-you have no worries with Him. He whispers to you all day Him first so you can hear Him. He will give you what you don't have, get you where you need to be & tell you what you don't know-exercise this incredible privilege every day. God offers this to each person who believes in Him-don't put your faith in human wisdom...put it in God's power! Many ways seem right to the human mind, but all eventually lead to destruction. Submit your mind to the Holy Spirit for direction, renew your mind with the Word daily to reinforce God's truth. If you don't, you will do what seems logical & wise in your mind, but because you don't have the capacity to see in the future-you will make decisions based on logic & equations. Since God created the world & you-He knows what you need to do in this world that He reigns over. Rest in Him, don't pass on your privilege of His provisions & protection. He summoned you by name-you're purposed by Him to make a difference. You must stand firm on this truth because there will be days where it doesn't look like truth. On these days the enemy will whisper that you missed it, you misunderstood or you're just too much of a mess to be used by God...he's a liar-pants on fire!!! What you see doesn't determine your destiny; God's mapped it out & Jesus will lead you on the path-your part is to follow even when you don't understand or can't see a way. No person or circumstance, talent or gifting, family or geographic location, who or what you know, prosperous or slow economy, low or high interest rates, open or closed seasons, era or time frame, ivy league school or public university, degree or training, intellectual ability or mental disability, connections or lack of-not one of these things stand in the way of God carrying out what He's planned for you....other than you. You have the power to determine if you will follow God's plans or yours. You decide if you will agree with His truth & the good plans He has for you by believing Him. It's up to you-you have the freedom to live life your way, but then you're responsible to handle things by yourself. Living life God's way gives you His protection. God planned every second before one had passed; He made provisions for when His plans were undermined-so for every wrong or poor choice made, God's included a plan that's turned around for His glory for those who love Him. Don't cross your eyes or burst your mind into a million pieces one more day...God's got it all worked out for you. Will you seek Him first & follow His lead? (Jer 29:11, Mt 6:33, 1 Cor 2:5, Pr 14:12, Jn 6:29, Ps 139:16, Rom 8:29) 10/5/2013CIFL-LMM

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