Saturday, October 26, 2013

Begging God or believing God...

Begging God or believing God...why do God fearing, Jesus loving & Spirit filled Christians ignore unresolved issues? The obvious reason is denial, but why? Many address issues at the onset, but when attempts fail, they feel hopeless so they get busy & hope things will resolve on their own. They seek relief in busy schedules, deadlines & anything else that can pull them away from the frustration & hopelessness that gnaws on the inside them. They know nothing is too hard for God-so what's the problem? Many say they've begged God for help & nothing changes. I understand this because I've been there & still go there at times. I've also listened to clients tell me the same thing for 30 years. I'll tell you the revelation God put on my heart regarding me. He said I needed to stop begging Him & start believing Him-that I believed He could & would turn impossibles around, but I didn't believe He would help me each time I prayed. So I prayed like a gambler pulling the arm of a slot machine….pleasssse Jessssus let this be my lucky one! I vacillated between believing I somehow messed up too much & wasn't eligible for more than the Basic Christian Plan with no extras or that I had misunderstood the promises of God & expected too much. So I resorted to begging prayers-believing the more I begged, the more likely God would help me. I wasn't ever completely confident in the provisions of God because I didn't believe I completely deserved to be helped-this left me with an uneasiness that I really tried to overcome, but of course couldn't. It's dangerous to add our reasoning to God's truth…we lose every time-there's a way that seems right, but its end is a way that leads to death. My thinking skewed my ability to receive the supernatural help God makes available to every's called grace. We can't earn it & only God can give it. Grace is available to all who believe in Him-God pours His strength through us to deal with otherwise impossible situations while He intervenes on our behalf. You can be saved, but until you appropriate God's grace, you're left with your natural ability-it's not enough. You're won't live the freedom God promises or walk in victory He makes available. Until I received the revelation of God's grace I was under the strain of the impossibles I faced & I allowed them to steal my hope- because I knew I couldn't overcome what I faced. I had to appropriate God's grace, once I embraced God's set me free-where the Spirit of The Lord is, there is freedom. God's promises are full of power, but are only powerful to those who believe in Him. Instead of hiding in busy routines to avoid impossibles, will you run to God? His grace will meet you at the end of your natural ability & go to work on your behalf-He will calm your fears & give you direction & fill you up with wisdom. Don't beg God…believe Him. (Jn 8:32, 2 Tim 2:1, Jn 6:29, Pr 14:12, 2 Cor 12:9, 2 Cor 3:17) 10/26/13CIFL-LMM

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