Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Blame keeps the harm done to you...alive in your heart

Blame keeps the harm done to you alive in your heart. Holding onto blame is a self imposed sentence into captivity & bondage-you opt out of the freedom Jesus offers you by holding onto to the harm done to you. Blame is powerful because it focuses on the reality of the wrong done to you, but blame doesn't fully disclose the rest of the reality...you can't restore the wrong done to you. Only Jesus can give back to you what was stolen, lost, given away or never given in the first place. His love is mighty to save-He comes in the heart & takes the wrongs done & then pours His love into each wounded, rejected & broken part of your heart. 

Maybe you were sexually violated, a parent withheld love, kids bullied you in school, an accident left you permanently injured, false accusations led to a job loss, you were set up in a business deal & lost your life savings, your secret was told by someone you trusted or your father left your family to raise another one. Blame's powerful because it focuses on the reality of what happened-you can't undo the harm done to you. But you must cling to the truth...Jesus can & will if you will release the harm to Him. If you don't...you will lose hope & your mind. Jesus has no barriers, He's unstoppable, His Word won't return void. Your hurt is valid-blame's evidence is solid & it recalls the events with accuracy, but blame has no case against...the power of Jesus Christ! He heals broken hearts & saves those crushed in spirit-He will give you beauty in place of the ashes you've carried, His hope holds on for you when you can't. 

The realities of this life will cause many heartaches & hardships- God promises to bring you through each one. When you can't see a way, take comfort in Him-He's making a way... His Word is a lamp to your feet & a light to your path. Acknowledge the reality of what you went through, the hurt & pain-then stand on the truth of God's Word. Let go of the blame & forgive those who caused you harm. This doesn't dismiss what they did...it just releases you from carrying the harm any longer. Don't let blame keep the harm alive in your heart one more day...what was done to you doesn't determine your destiny-God does & He will make a way if you will seek Him. Seek the Lord-He will answer & deliver you from all your fears...those who look to Him are radiant...their faces are never covered with shame. Your hurt is real-Jesus knows this. Will you let Him in your heart & give Him all the harm you've been carrying? He promises to heal you...then you can move on with your life & fulfill the destiny He's called you to! (Heb 12:2, Ps 34:18, Heb 6:19, Isa 61:1-3, Jn 8:32, Ps 115:109, Ps 34:4-5, Rev 3:20) 10/21/13LMM #christianinsightforlife

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