Monday, June 16, 2014

God is faithful & gives mercy every day!

Every day is a new day...bringing God's mercies with it-He is faithful. God has put 86,400 seconds in every day-giving us 86,400 opportunities to redirect & focus are thoughts on Him. We're to forget the former things-dwelling on the past that wants to pull us back into a pit, instead see the new things God is doing!

Think on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent & praiseworthy. When fear presses on you-press back with God's truth. God's truth trumps the lies of the enemy...changing anxious to calm, shamed to approved, closed door to opened door, lost to found, dead to alive...knowing you cant, but He can...Yes, He's mighty to save-will comfort you with His love, the waters will not overtake you, fires won't burn you or leave the smell of smoke on you. God keeps His promises...coming in the middle of the night while you sleep, knocking down iron to rescue you from oppression-ripping off the shackles that bind you, giving you clear direction during your darkest hour & making a way where you can't see a way!

Yes, think on our Father have 86,400 opportunities every day to think on & believe His truth-His promises. Every day is a new day...bringing God's mercies with it-He is faithful! Will you receive His mercy today? (Lam 3:23, Isa 43:18-19, Phil 4:8, Acts 12:6-11) 2/27/13LMM #godisfaithful #christianinsightforlife

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