Sunday, June 15, 2014

Jesus is calling your name...

Come out...take off your grave clothes-the pain you're going through isn't the end of you! The Spirit of Jesus lives in you-He's your Advocate & Helper. You've settled for going through the motions, checking off the to do list & speaking Christian-ese to put another day behind you. You're a prisoner of your own pain & it's sucking the life out of you one breath at a time & it will continue until you give it to Jesus. He's calling your name-come out take off your grave clothes!

Jesus will guide you out of this emotional grave-your part is to know & agree with His truth. His Word is a lamp to your feet & a light to your path-it will set you free! Empty yourself-purge what you've been denying, holding back, minimizing, trying to prove & pushing down... cry a river & grieve what was lost, stolen or never given! Grief validates the pain you experienced-what you've gone through matters because you matter! Grief pushes pain through you & out of you into the hands of Jesus enabling you to push away the stone & come out when He calls your name!

Acknowledge your hurts, release them to Jesus then grieve. People who refuse this process will go through life with broken hearts, bruised memories & unfulfilled lives. Put your hope in God's power not human wisdom-the Holy Spirit will guide you. Jesus is calling your name-come out...take off your grave clothes! (Jn 8:32-32, 14:16, 11:43-44, 6:29, Ps 119:105, 1 Cor 2:5) LMM #takeoffyourgraveclothes #christianinsightforlife

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