Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Waiting on God...

Your wait isn't the same as God's, but if you will wait with Him-you can wait not to just survive...but thrive! Waiting with God gives strength to your mind, body & spirit. His Spirit lives in you-expect to overcome because He's overcome the world & His Spirit in you in greater than the spirit who lives in the world (Jn 16:33, 1 Jn 4:4)!

His Spirit gives strength to you when you're weary & supplies His power to you when you're at your end... His power is perfected in your weakness (2 Cor 12:9). Wait upon the Lord-He will renew your strength, you will soar high on wings like eagles, run & not grow weary, walk & not faint (Isa 40:29-31)! This is God's promise to you-to receive His promises you must seek Him first, spend time with Him & commit to knowing His Word. How can you know His promises unless you spend time reading reading them? Don't say, "I've tried and can't understand it." God gives wisdom generously without finding fault (James1:5)-the Holy Spirit will give you revelation when you seek Him (Isa 30:21). Some believe they don't have time to spend with God...they are deceived. The thing about deception is it deceives-there's ways that seems right to a man but the ways lead to death (Pr 14:12). Resigning to either belief guarantees you will not live the life Jesus died to give you (Jn 10:10).

Bottom line, God's Word work when you work it-His Word will not return void (Isa 55:11). God has good plans for you-the only way you're eliminated is...if you choose to do life your way. God will still love you if you choose to do live your way, but you won't experience the provisions of His love if you do. The choice is yours...will you wait on the Lord & renew your strength? 8/28/13CIFL-LMM #renewyourstrength #christianinsightforlife

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