Friday, June 6, 2014

Leaving my follow Jesus

The middle part of believing...leaving your familiar while on the way to the next season to where Jesus is leading you. But you have to go through the middle before you arrive into the new season! This is where God will do His greatest work in you!

My middle part of believing continues to challenge me & deepen my faith. I've experienced a barrage of doubt, my insecurities confronted, beliefs challenged, & my pride purged. I've been uncertain, unsettled & uncomfortable. My former familiar predictable schedule gone-my false confidence knocked out from under me...leaving me with a sense of awkwardness. The middle part of believing has been a long journey; I've become weary & I've considered giving up at times-then my Father sends help & encouragement through someone who loves & values me. I know this is how God must develop me-for me to know Him & to be known by Him.

I didn't know nearly what I thought I did but this raw & vulnerable middle part of believing has led me to a deeper revelation of where I stand with God...He sustains, comforts & encourages me-every one of His promises is true! Emotions come & go but He never does-His mercy & grace meet me in every one of my weaknesses. I must stay connected to Him-He supplies me with everything I need, I trust Him because of Who He is...I do not have to know how He will fulfill the promises He's made. He has good plans for me & I believe Him...I know His voice & I'm never alone-He's with me always. When I get into the next season, I will be ready not because I'm there...but because I know Him. The middle part of believing has been the most amazing journey of my life-I know my Father, He knows my name & He loves me!!! 8/10/12-LMM #Heknowsmyname #Helovesme #christianinsightforlife

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