Sunday, July 1, 2012

Believing God...for impossibles

Most say they believe God...Do you believe God will handle your impossibles? I go to Royal Family Kids,  a week long that camp for abused children-the entire week we treat them like royalty. I've spent one week for the last three summers at this and will continue this every summer until the Lord tells me different. I would not be able to handle the emotional heaviness of this camp if I did not have Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I saw many impossible situations in the lives of these innocent children. I couldn't even consider entertaining potential would have sucked the life out of me...but not for my Redeemer.  Immediately, my Redeemer reminded me of how He can turn a situation with one touch of His hand...He opened the Red Sea for Moses, rolled back the Jordan and extended daylight for Joshua, reduced Gideon's army from 32,000 to 300 to overcome the 135,000 Midianite army, ascended Elisha into heaven, had a donkey talk, ordered angels to kill 185,000 in an enemy's camp in one night, grafted Rahab, a prostitute, in the lineage of Jesus, raised Lazarus from the dead and a little girl from the dead, and let a blind man see and a crippled man walk because...they believed. Many compartmentalize their believing... saying, "that was the bible." Well, let's look at the miracle of human body that God crafted with His own you know that millions of diseases, germs, and junk can't enter our body because of its built in resistance to radicals? Do you realize that fever is our indicator that our natural cooling and heating system is fighting for us?  That if we ignore stress, it will manifest itself physically so that we will deal with it?  When we cry from an emotional or physical hurt, that tears are like a built in morphine pump? We become tired and sleepy, then our body can rest and sleep to soothe us? I could go on and on, I know many know this...but we need to think about this more often. Finally, how about conception? A sperm enters a womb and grows into a child. That's our God...makes something from nothing. God already has a made a way for these RFK kids-we are to move forward in faith; brainstorming and executing action plans. Many will fail, but it only takes one to work. Our part is to believe...His part is to produce. Will you believe with me friends...our God is mighty to save and handle any impossible we face. Then let's roll it! (Lk 1:37, Zeph 3:17). 7/1/12CIFL-LMM

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