Monday, November 4, 2013

Being the person God planned you to be...

If you were to enjoy being the person God planned you to be…would your life look like it does now? Would you anticipate each day with God's new mercies & be able to release mistakes from the the former day? Would you rest in the truth that His love completes & approves all of you-even the parts you don't like? Would you carry out the desires God put in your heart without regard to what others might say? Would you speak up for what you believe in...feel less pressure to conform & not fear the disapproval of others? Would you be less judgmental of others, if you believed God was less judgmental of you? Would you hear Jesus whisper to you throughout the day that you've got what it takes-that He loved you before you were born? Would you laugh more, sleep better & grind your teeth less at night enjoyed being the person God planned you to be? God chose you... you're not a mistake, an after thought or an ooops…you were chosen by God-you're a purposed part of His Kingdom plan, every second & step has been ordered. You have a unique fingerprint-it's your trademark & seal of approval that sets you apart to being the person God's you to be. No person can eliminate or take the spot God planned for you- other than forfeit your place & plan when you opt out of believing God's truth. Every day you can ask Jesus to search your heart & see if there's anything in it that opposes God's Word-He will tell you, but when He does, you must decide if you will listen & take action. If you're not being the person God planned you to be…do you know why? If not, ask Jesus...He will tell you. (Lam 3:23, Col 2:10, Eph 2:10, Gal 1:10, 1 Pet 5:7, Ps 139:13-15, 1 Jn 4:16-19, Ps 139:23-24) 11/4/15CIFL-LMM

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