Sunday, November 3, 2013

Jesus' Love is Big...

Jesus' Love is Big...bigger than anything you need to restore replace, or replenish, give back or take away. Bigger than anything you've done or are up against, need to let go of or go back to, stand up to or back down from, make peace with or move on from. Jesus' love gives hope to to the hopeless, life to the dead, rest to the weary, opens the eyes of the blind & lets the deaf hear, mends broken hearts, sets captives free, calms fear, increases faith, gives courage, finds the lost & gives purpose to darkness can overcome His Light, He's the way, the truth & the life, His Word is lamp to your feet a light to your path! Jesus' love doesn't exempt you from pain, but He promises He will walk with you & bring you through it. Jesus' Love is Big...will you receive it? (Jn 16:33, Mk 4:38-41, 5:28-34, Ps 119:105, Mt 5:16, 11:28) 2/7/13CIFL-LMM

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