Thursday, July 24, 2014

God's Word trumps...all things!

God's Word trumps...all things-don't fret or be anxious about anything! Doesn't matter how lost, far away, useless, impossible, hopeless, gone, dead, broken, angry, bitter, jealous or envious it is-God's Word trumps all things! He existed before all things & in Him all things consist, cohere & are held together. God's for you-not against you; He knows your name, every single thought you've ever had, are having or will have. He desires for you to put your hope in Him...not your wisdom.

God's Word is your confidence to walk you through anything you're facing-it's your written promise. Holy Sees, Holy Knows & Holy does! Will you trust Him to walk you where you can't see to go? His Word is a lamp to your feet & a light to your path. You know in your heart you're not where you're suppose to be, but you don't know how to get to where you need to be. God wants to show you but you must trust Him & begin to take steps into the unknown-you can't experience God leading you through the unknown until you walk with Him through the unknown. God's Word trumps all things…will you let Him trump what you're facing? (Col 1:17-18, Phil 4:6-7, 2 Cor 5:7, 1 Cor 2:5, Ps 119:105) 9/12LMM #godswordtrumps #godisforyou #holyholyholylordgodalmighty #askgod #christianinsightforlife

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