Sunday, July 6, 2014

Keep fighting...don't give up!

Some days we fight the good fight of faith until we can't utter another word or have the strength to take one more step. I've had many seasons like this & I'm sure you have too. These seasons don't devalue our worth or marginalize our ability to be used by God...they just make us real Christian people going through difficult times.

Our confidence in God's Word is the assurance that these times will pass. During any season of life we have to be purposed in renewing our mind with the Word for a balanced mind, but especially during difficult seasons to mentally process the impossible realities we're facing. If a person begins to focus on their difficult season more than renewing their mind with God's Word, they will begin to develop thought patterns of dread, fearful thinking & negativity that cause a spiritual paralysis in processing information. Apathy begins to set up in the mind like concrete-it's a disconnect response to the impossible situation they're facing. The human mind can't process the harsh realities of life apart from the direction & comfort of the Holy Spirit. There's a fine line between being used up due to exhaustion during difficult seasons in life & being used up due exhaustion from living life. One is a result of pouring yourself out but knowing with confidence God will supply all your needs & the other is pouring yourself out & wondering if God will supply what you need.

We know God's grace enables us to move through any given day, but it's during extreme seasons of fatigue that we cling to His grace knowing it's our lifeline to the mental & spiritual clarity to overcome! God's supernatural sufficiencies interlock with our human insufficiencies & enable us to carry out what would otherwise be humanly impossible...God promises this clarity to every Christian. Renewing our mind is an ongoing process that never stops-we have to read, speak, write, meditate on, discuss & pray in God's Word. God's Word is our confidence & promises to not just get us by but to overcome & move us through every difficult season we face! Will you rely on God's Word to fight the good fight of faith? (Jn 16:33, Ps 34:19, Rom 8:11, 12:2, 2 Cor 12:9, Jn 15:5, Phil 4:13, Mk 11:22) LMM #fightthegoodfight #godspromises #clarity #stabilty #overcomer #pray #renewyourmind #assurance #christianinsightforlife

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