Monday, September 22, 2014

Believing during the unknown & uncomfortable...

It's how we act while in the places we don't want to be that determine how long we need to be there. Character grows when we're in places we don't want to be. Believing is easy when all is going as planned...people we love are getting along & following Jesus, the home sold as predicted, raise & bonus money came through, doctors report was healthy, slow sales picked up, hard work & commitment are recognized, etc. But the kind of believing that walks us through every trial is the believing that still believes when we see no way out & our world is crumbling around us; that's the kind of believing that no devil in hell can ever steal! But that kind of believing isn't developed just because we say believe-we have to be tried & tested to get to that type of believing!

It's believing God during the unknown & uncomfortable which lead to unwavering faith! It's where we realize we never had any control to begin with-we just relied a lot on familiar routines, comforts & predictable schedules. It's where we're honest, mad, sad & crying laying before God & holding nothing back...asking Him how are we suppose to get through! It's in these places that God gets us exactly where He wants us-a place of being raw & real with Him that leads us to trust His truth...the truth that sets us free!!!

Embrace these seasons & know the love of God & be known by Him. One more thing-these seasons can't be avoided, but you never fail will grow & develop or stay there until you cooperate! Will you cooperate? (Jn 10:10, Eph 2:10, Pr 3:4-5, Jas1:2-5, Phil 1:6) 7/14LMM #uncomfortable #unknown #trusted #tried #tested #ChristianInsightForLife 

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