Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Changing how you think...changes your life (Pt 1)

This post will change the way you think...Part 1
Problems are part of life-no person is exempt, but problem are not our's how we think about our problems that cause us problems! How we think is grouped into thought patterns located in our subconscious mind, which are thoughts that operate on auto pilot. I'll explain in a bit.

God designed our mind & when it's renewed with His truth we can experience the peace He promises & have a confident expectation in the midst of many problems. This doesn't exempt us from becoming weary or being overwhelmed in life, but we can have a confident expectation that we will get on the other side of every problem we face. Our patterns of thinking determine how quickly we move through problems in life.

For the sake of simplicity I'll use an example most of us can relate to-making a routine drive from one side of town to the other & not recall the drive. We are operating from our subconscious mind instead of our conscious mind. This is how it works-you give directions to your conscious mind which recognizes the location so it retrieves the familiar information from your subconscious mind, which turns on the auto pilot for the thought pattern needed to arrive at the desired location!

That's why you can think on other things when you're doing familiar routines. But when you're driving to a new location, you have to give your full attention to the new routine-a purposed thinking in your mind to learn the pattern of thoughts required for the new destination. Your mind has to do this enough times until it's memorized-then it becomes a pattern of thoughts & the information is dropped into your subconscious for future auto pilot retrieval.

This is the same process our thoughts go through when responding to a problem. The existing thoughts patterns determine the effectiveness of the response to the problem. Unless a person has this revelation they will think something is wrong with them & begin doubting the Word can work for them-exactly what the enemy wants them to believe! But but if they're retrieving destructive thought patterns-the Word still has to clean up the mind & throw out all the lies before it can reach a balanced state. The longer the episode will result in longer repair time!

What's your problem? I'll post more on this tomorrow-until then begin to think about how you think…it determines the course of your life! (Jn 8:21-42, 14:27, 16:33, Rom 12:2) 9/17/14LMM #turnaround #thoughtpatterns #askGod #whatsyourproblem #christianinsightforlife

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