Sunday, September 14, 2014

Revelation of God's will change your life!

Revelation of God's grace-it's a must to grow in a relationship with God. Most of my practice is centered on helping people embrace God's grace; it is my mission in life-especially since I lived so many adult years without it. I pray this will help you or someone you know-please share it if it does.

God's promises aren't like the arm of a slot machine-sometimes you get a win & sometimes you don't; God always delivers what He promises! But if you're looking to the hand of man to give what only the hand of God can deliver, you will knowingly settle to live in spiritual poverty…a life less than what God's promised. Oh, you've got to open up your eyes, ears & heart for more in life-stop putting God in a little bity box along with your little bity dreams! He is big-His love is big & He loves you with all of His big love!

You're toiling in your efforts & exerting your strength to achieve what you believe will satisfy you while you plead with God to just give you these few things you're asking for. You say you don't understand why God is withholding your modest request when He could so easily provide for you. I'll tell you why...for starters God doesn't enable us to live in the spiritual poverty that many are willing to settle for. If a child of His insists on it, He will still continue to allow them to encounter circumstances that will return their heart to Him. Next, He wants you to live the abundant life Jesus died to give you-far beyond what your mind can imagine, but it requires you to let your plans die. Dying to self allows the power of God to pour through you-it's called His grace-where you end…He begins! Finally, you just don't know what you don't know. God purposed you to do good works long ago, but you have to put your hope in Him-not people, situations & circumstances! You're living like a junkie desperately looking for a fix & willing to do about anything for relief because you can't see beyond the desperation of the moment! God knows this & He's not giving up on you-don't give up on Him! He will see you through this…if you will let Him.

Listen closely: nothing gives us relief like the love of God-all else pales in comparison. When you renew your mind with God's truth & embrace His grace, you will know He's for you & not against you & His truth will set you free to be the authentic person He designed! Will you put your hope in God? Until you do, you will seek from the hand of man what only the hand of God can deliver! (Jn 8:31-32, Eph 2:10, 1 Cor 2:5, Rom 8:31, Phil 1:6, 2:13, 4:7) LMM #seekGod #laborinvain #dietoself #hopeinGod #handofman #handofGod #askGod #christianinsightforlife

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