Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Jesus will heal your wounds...

Bring your wounds in the light and acknowledge who hurt you; give them into the hands of Jesus...first forgiving the person-releasing what they did to you. Many believe forgiving is dismissing the harm...but forgiving means you will no longer carry the offense in your heart. When you verbally give the release...forgiving the person who caused harm; you allow Jesus to physically come in your heart and remove the chains that kept you bound to them-watch with awe as He carries the chains away...Next, give Jesus the rest of the hurt-everything that you experienced...empty yourself of it...purging every last drop. While you're doing this, a flood of emotions will come to you-it's all those years of denying, holding back, minimizing, trying to prove you were good enough, and pushing down tears. This is grief...the recognition of what was lost, stolen, or never given. Grief validates what you experienced-it says you matter and what happened to you mattered. Then...the love of Jesus will come in like a flood, crashing waves of His healing pouring into every chamber, crevice, and opening...shining His light of love making sure nothing is overlooked...filling up every area in you, overflowing the sides and finally engulfing all of you. Until His love floods us, we are left in darkness-prisoners of our own lives-captives in our hurt. Acknowledging hurts, surrendering them to Jesus, forgiving those that imposed the hurt, then grieving is the only way to complete healing. People who refuse this process, will go through life with wounds in their heart, never experiencing the full promises of God.They impose the care of their wounds on others; wanting them to make up for the hurt they encountered. Only Jesus can put back in us what was taken by another or give to us what another did not give. Many mean well when they fall into to the trap of trying to give back to another what was taken from them or give to another what they should have received, but they can't...because that's a job only Jesus can carry out. But we're not left without hope...instead, we're guaranteed to overcome and be completely restored (Joel 2:25). Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor 3:17). The love of Jesus restores...completely-healing every hurt you ever experienced...will you receive His love into your heart today and be completely healed? 10/2012CIFL-LMM

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