Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Your journey...

This journey is not to discourage's to equip you. You can climb the mountain...if you completely rely on the strength of Jesus Who's in you. He's gone before you and cleared a path. You can't see the path from where you're standing; begin the climb-trusting Jesus...recalling what He whispered to your heart. While you're climbing, there will be times when doubt will consume you-wanting you to abort the mission. The path will appear to stop, you panic, but then realize it's a mirage in your mind playing tricks... to discourage you. Keep moving-stay focused. You see another dead end; you reason it must be God telling you to stop, but it's really a sharp turn where you can't see around the bend. This happens often in our journey; we reason we've reached an end, we misunderstood...we missed it, but we didn't miss it...we gave up before we got there; allowing discouragement to talk us out of our dream. We were too consumed with the anxiety of...what if we miss it, or we're wrong, or we might look foolish, that we didn't hear the prompting and encouragement of the Holy Spirit telling us to keep going. So, we turn back, began the descend down the mountain...feeling very small and diminished...just like satan wants. Plagued by a barrage of doubt...confidence paralyzed. If you missed it...okay, we all do-learn from the experience, but don't disqualify yourself-God hasn't. God wants you to pursue the call He put in you. Don't you know He loves you and if you do miss Him, you will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way-follow it." Trust Him...take a risk. Keep moving, this time you will know from experience that...there's more around the bend. This journey is not to discourage's to equip you. Blessings friend. (Jer 29:11-14, Gal 6:9-10, 1 Pet 5:8, Isa 30:21) 10/10/12CIFL-LMM

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