Tuesday, October 9, 2012

God does not force His truth...

God does not force His truth...nor can we. Burden of proof...is not on us. We present the truth and provide evidence, but each person has the freedom to choose what they will believe. Our hearts are sincere in wanting them to know the truth-it's easy to get caught in a battle of "wanting to make them see and hear." We can't, God can, but He won't force them...the Holy Spirit is waiting to give revelation when the person is ready. God gives us free will-He will never force His truth; He wants us to want Him because we desire His love and presence, not because we are pressured or guilt induced. God has the power, but He never forces it on us...nor should we believe we can force another to receive His truth. Our best gift to those that we want to "see and hear the truth" is to walk out what we believe. Standing firm during good times and bad ones; not allowing circumstances or another person to compromise our walk. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor 3:17). 10/2012-LMM wwwfacebook.com/christianinsightforlife

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