Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Honesty & Vulnerbility...taught by a child

My husband Rod and I were praying with our six year old granddaughter, Hope, before bedtime on Friday evening. She named several things she was grateful for then stops; after a long pause says, "I lost my job today at school." She explained that her job was the bathroom monitor. Then she went on to say, "at least I worked until today, Salvador was fired Wednesday or Thursday. I'm okay...I know I talked and I wasn't suppose to. I really didn't like watching everybody in the bathroom. I wanna be a line leader." We believe she'll be alright.
Our granddaughter Hope...keeps us laughing, but her prayer is such a beautiful example of intimacy with Jesus. We can learn a lot from the honesty of a child. Hope, at the beginning of her prayer naturally was thanking God for things in her day, then she moved into sharing with God what happened in her day, she was fired. She justified her termination for a second, "at least I worked until today," but then she admitted her wrong, "I know I talked." What I love is her boldness in the middle of admitting her mistake she also shared her heart's desire, "I don't like being a bathroom monitor, I wanna be a line leader." Then she ended the prayer with, "I'll be okay." This showed her security in Christ. I was reminded that evening that God loves us completely; all of us. He wants to know everything about our day and what's on our heart. Will you give all of yourself to God so you can know He loves and accepts all of you? Blessings friend!

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