Saturday, December 15, 2012

Jesus-your Savior...your Answer!

Is there anything in your hand that you're unwilling to release for fear it won't return? Do you feel responsible for a relationship-the person needs you to make it? Have you struggled with believing what the bible says about tithing, forgiveness, love, casting your cares & anxious thoughts? Do you feel over your head in a situation-that it's too late? Are you dreading most days? Call on the name of Jesus-the name above all names! He came to save, bind up wounds, release the captives & bring them out of darknesss... Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, Maker of Heaven & Earth, make sure you get your love from the One Who loved you first! Will you let Jesus love & show you the way? He's gone before you-He's the way, truth & life! He is the what you've been looking for. His love will fill your emptiness & give you a peace that surpasses human understanding. Take a risk & trust Him today. Jesus-your Savior... your Answer! (1 Pet 5:7, Isa 61:1, 1 John 4:18, Jn 14:6, Phil 4:7) 11/7/13CIFL/LMM

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