Copying what the world says you should just
that...a copy. A copy is not authentic; God made you authentic...there's only one you! You're fearfully and wonderfully
made. Don't allow labels to become your identity...married,
divorced, single, white, black, brown,, doctor, laborer, farmer, redneck, scientist, bus driver, president, tax bracket, or
home address. Labels do not give life...but God does-stay connected
to the Vine Who will develop your authenticity. God looks in your heart. Agree with God; He says you have what it takes; you don't have to feel know it. He made you with His very own hands. Rise up-God wants to work through you (authentic you) to make a difference in this world! You don't have to feel know it. (Ps139:14, Jn 15:5, Jer 17:10) 12/28/12CIFL-LMM
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