Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas...

Merry Christmas everyone! Don't let anyone take your joy; recall the reason for the's Jesus-our Savior! At Christmas, most want to be with their families, make memories, & be with those they love. This is not always the picture for many people for various reasons, but the theme is the always centers around hurt. Understand this, you need to acknowledge your hurt-then celebrate Jesus. He knows all about your feelings-He experienced each one of them when He walked as a man. He leaned into His Father to get through-you do the same. If you lean into your hurt, that is what you will have....hurt. Lean into Jesus-celebrate Him. Move through with Him verses moving through alone & hurting. I don't know how He will handle what you're going through, but I do know He will go through with you & get you to other side of whatever you're facing. A Savior has been born to you, He is Christ the Lord! Will you let Jesus be your Savior? Merry Christmas! (Lk 2:11) 12/23/12CIFL/LMM

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