Saturday, December 29, 2012

God put this on my heart today...

Being a parent is a ministry. Our children are not our own, they are God's sons and daughters that he has entrusted into our care here on earth. Children are a gift we have unwrapped, but one day we will have to give our babies back to God. One day we will have to face the truth- have we taken care of God's gifts with as much determination and love as he made them with? And each decision we make as a parent, whether big or small, needs to be for the better of our children. Not for the better of ourselves. Not for what's easy or convenient, not for what will make them like us more. Even if our children never see the day where they comprehend why we said "no", or if they never realize how much we love them through the discipline we have given, God sees it, and it brings him no greater joy knowing that we are doing what's right for his child.
We're doing our children a FAVOR by doing what's right. Jesus wasn't concerned about people liking him more. His actions were compelled by love and truth, knowing that by doing what was right FAR outweighed the consequences he would face.
He laid his life down for us, and many people will die before they understand the love he gave. As parents, we should do the same, no matter the day at a time we will raise mighty warriors of God. 12/29/12CIFL-MorganWheeler

This was written by my youngest daughter MorganAnne Wheeler. She was born a wise child and has grown into a beautiful, wise, wife and mother. I'm honored God allowed me to be her mother!

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