Friday, December 14, 2012

Your Life you know it?

Pardon me, did you know God is waiting to meet with you? No, you're not in trouble- He would like to discuss your Psalm 139:16 Life Blueprint. He developed it uniquely for you-just like the individual fingerprint He gave you. God saw your unformed substance and all the days of your life were written before they ever took shape! God wants you to know your plan is complete; He's already made all the provisions you will ever need. He's fully aware of the problems you've encountered, how they've  interfered and delayed the life blueprint. He knows about the pain and harm caused by others, rebellion to His ways, toxic relationships, lack of intimacy with Him, unwillingness to completely commit to Him, false idols, inviting self-pity to be your BFF and on and on. God's plans will come to fruition; His gifts and call are irrevocable-He needs your full cooperation. He's got the ability...are you available? Your faith is not in what you can do or haven't done-your faith is in knowing what your Father has already done on your behalf. He's waiting on believe. In John 6:5 Jesus asked Phillip to feed over 5,000 people-He knew the request was impossible for Phillip to carry out, but He wanted to strengthen his faith. Jesus demonstrated how we rely on the Father. He gave what He had in His hands to the Father to bless and multiply. Don't hold back giving what you have...and miss your opportunity for God to make it into something. The little boys lunch was not enough, but when put in the hands of Jesus and offered to the Father...became more than enough. Apart from Him you can do nothing-He needs your availability...He's got the ability. Have a great meeting with God! I'm excited for you and all God is doing through you to make an impact in this world for Him! (Rom 11:29, John 5:6-13, John 15:5) 5/7/12CIFL-LMM

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