Sunday, August 11, 2013

Believing God-when confronted with His truth...

The middle part of believing-God put this term on my heart prior to a huge transition in my life. It's leaving a familiar place, crossing into a new season, but  before you cross to the other side-you are in the middle. It's where God will do a work in you-you're confronted with His truth and it will set you free, if you embrace it. God's been doing a huge work in me. I've come against a barrage of doubt, my insecurities have been confronted, beliefs challenged and pride purged. I've been uncomfortable, uncertain and unsettled. My former predictable schedule gone, my false confidence has been knocked out from under me-leaving me with a sense of awkwardness. The middle part of believing has been a long and painful crossing, but vital for God to develop my character. For me to know that nothing can satisfy or complete me other than God's love. I didn't know near what I thought I did...raw and vulnerable brings revelation from the Holy Spirit-the exact reason these times are crucial for character development. This crossing has giving me confidence in who I am in Christ-I know where I stand with God, He sustains me, comforts me and encourages me...every one of His promises are true. I'm His masterpiece, created to do the good works He planned long ago. Emotions come and go but He never changes, I must stay connected to Him-He supplies me with everything I need. I trust Him because of Who He is, I do not have to know what He will do to believe He has good plans for me. I know His voice, I'm never alone-ever; He's with me always. When I get into my new season, I will be ready not because I'm there...but because I know my Father approves of me, my confidence is in Him-exclusively! The middle part of believing has been the most amazing journey of my life-I know my Father, He knows my name, He loves me and He approves of me! (Jn 8:32, Col 2:10, Eph 3:20, Eph 2:10, Jer 29:11, Jn 10:14-15) 8/2012CIFL-LMM 

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