Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Your past is dead...

If you've received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior...your past is gone (Rom 6:9) dead at the cross! Yet many devalue their worth in God's eyes based on their past that's dead-they're saved, but their mind isn't. Their mind still lives in the past. I know this well because it's the number one issue I help Christians with in my practice...but I also lived that way for a long time. For years I tried to net my worth based on my past. Finally I began to agree with God's truth, even though I didn't feel it-I accepted it as truth and began to speak it out loud every day. My agreement with God's truth opened the door for the Holy Spirit to give me revelation that I was free from my past...that's why where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor 3:17). As I daily renewed my mind with His truth, the more I believed it, the more I believed the more I spoke it, the more I spoke it, the more the truth cancelled out the lies I had believed for years...finally I came to a balanced place and believed my Father's truth. I still renew my mind daily-it's not something that can ever be stopped. Every day I speak God's truth and choose to agree with it, even though I may feel nothing like what He says I am, I still say... I'm His masterpiece (Eph 2:10), fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps 139:14), unblemished and holy (Eph 5:27), more than a conqueror (Rom 8:37), He has good plans for me (Jer 29:11), He will do exceedingly abundantly more than I ever dare ask or imagine (Eph 3:20), I'm favored-God's pleased and delighted in me (Ps 90:17, 41:11, 147:11) and many more-but you get the idea. Your past died at the cross with Jesus, it's done. You must decide if you believe  it's true, not because you feel it, but because Jesus said so. But if you think on your past, you will keep it alive in your mind. Speak God's truth so you will know His truth and be free (Jn 8:32). Give all of yourself (mind, body & spirit) to Christ-replace your deception with His truth and be transformed into seeing as He sees (Rom 12:1-2). Be deliberate in thinking on God's truth-if not you're thinking on what opposes His truth...there's no in between. Be purposed in receiving His promises-they're yours but you must claim them. Your past is dead at the cross...will you let it die in your mind too? 8/27/13CIFL-LMM

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