Saturday, August 31, 2013

Is there anything between you & God's promises...?

Until you replace certain thoughts that have interfered with God's truth, you will unknowingly allow them to stand in the way of God's promises to you. The day you were saved, your chains were gone and you were set free, but your mind and memories weren't. The mind has to be renewed daily with God's truth to move forward with hope in Him, but also in gaining insight into where you've been. Your beliefs are a culmination of your thoughts-they shaped you in your childhood, how you perceive yourself now and then, expectations of you and others, your view of God and how you believe He sees you, etc-all these thoughts are a culmination of your memories. Until you know where you've won't have a clear idea of where you're going. Memories impact what you believe and how you react to life. You're not aware of most of them because they're located in your subconscious, but your day-to-day responses to life are direct result of them. That's why you have to ask the Holy Spirit to search your mind and make you aware of what hinders you...for anxious thoughts and hurtful ways (Ps 139:23-24), but who can discern their own errors (Ps 19:12), test me Lord, try me, examine my heart and mind (Ps 26:2), every way of a man is right in his own eyes (Pr 21:2). These are just a few, but you can see how critical it is that you ask God to search you and...make you aware of what you're not aware of-to not do so keeps you from walking out God's promises. Your chains are gone, you've been set free, but you have to be aware of the memories that are binding you to the past and interfering with you moving forward! God gives wisdom generously-without finding fault (James 1:5). Will you ask Him to show you what thought and memories may be standing in the way of you walking out His promises to you? 8/31/13CIFL-LMM  

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