Thursday, August 15, 2013

God's presence-goes where you go...

God's presence-goes where you go...knows when your heart breaks & when it rejoices, stays up all night with you because you're afraid or to just talk about life, laughs & cries with you, enjoys your company, corrects you to make you right-not wrong, holds you up when your knees buckle, speaks boldness through you to deliver His truth & reveals knowledge necessary to complete His plans, flows His confidence & stamina through you to accomplish what's humanly impossible, shines in dark places & is a lamp to your feet & a light to your path, breaks down gates of bronze & rips apart iron, makes an ax head float, moves mountains, rolls back waters & makes a donkey talk, extenda day light for 24 hours, makes a way for you, will satisfy & comfort you all the days of your life, you will never be thirsty or hungry again, He's always loved you & always will, you're His masterpiece, He will complete the good work He started in you long ago until the day of Christ Jesus! God's presence never leaves you; He provides everything you need & more...unless you shut the door on Him. Think on His Word day & night-keeping the door to His presence open; this guarantees He will protect your heart & mind. The wrong intended for you will be turned around for His good-for those who love Him...keep the door to His presence open. Allowing your mind to reason in ways that add to or oppose His Word shuts the door on God's presence & opts you out of His protection plan-leaving you to defend yourself against the world. God's presence-goes where you go...will you keep the door to His presence open? (Mk 10:27, Deut 31:8, Isa 45:2, 2 Kings 6:6, Ps 11:105,  Josh 10:12-13,  Num 22:28-30, Eph 3:20, Phil 1:6, Josh 1:8, Isa 58:11, Rom 8:28, Rev 22:19) 8/15/13CIFL-LMM

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