Saturday, December 1, 2012

Give your hurt to Jesus...

Minimizing a past hurt keeps a person chained to the experience and unable to live in the present-impacting their ability to have a hope for the future. Past pain skews thoughts and actions and the person operates from the perspective of their past experience...keeping the view of the present obscured. Jesus came to save, bind up our wounds, free us from captivity and to bring us out of heal us (Isaiah 61:1)! For a person to heal, they have to bring their hurts to Him...completely surrendering their entire heart, mind, and soul. Bring your hurts in the light and acknowledge who hurt you; give them into the hands of Jesus...forgiving the person-releasing what they did to you. Many believe forgiving is dismissing the harm...but forgiving means you will no longer carry the offense in your heart. When you verbally give the release...forgiving the person who caused harm; you allow Jesus to physically remove the chains that kept you bound to them and the hurt they imposed. Peace be with you as you trust Jesus to take your hurt. 10/12-LMM

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