Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The issues that hold you back...

The issues you continue to reason away with theories and/or ignore keep you from moving forward in the peace, confidence & destiny promised to you long ago. You are dissatisfied, borderline angry & not where you want to be-don't waste one more day with the protest that you've done all that God's asked of you. This isn't about what you're doing...it's about what you're believing!

Listen closely, God's not going to give up on you-don't give up in Him! Ask Him to search your heart & forgive hidden offenses; release your pride & let go of denial...the Holy Spirit will help you face the truth & expose the issues that are holding you back! You can't correct yourself-only the Holy Spirit can do it through you with your cooperation. Denying His help keeps your mind in constant turmoil.

Expect to be uncomfortable-the truth hurts but it also sets you free! God gives wisdom generously without finding fault. Will you ditch your plans & listen to the wisdom God desires to give you? (Jn 8:31-32, 15:5, Jas 1:2-8, Ps 66:18-19) LMM #reasoning #robbed #theories  #askGod #ditchyourplans #faith #christianinsightforlife

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