Friday, August 15, 2014

Your thoughts determine the course of your life...

Your thoughts determine the course of your life...manage them instead of them managing you! Seek God, read His Word & spend time with Him-He gives wisdom generously without finding fault. Use what He gives you & you'll be given more-don't use what you have & even what you have will be taken away. Preferring your thoughts over God's truth forfeits the freedom & victory promised to you...don't forfeit your future-accept & apply His truth & walk out the destiny He planned for you long ago! (Mk 4:23-25, Pr 20:24, Jn 8:31-32, Eph 2:10) LMM #truth #askGod #embracewisdom #renewyourmind #usewhatyouhave #christianinsightforlife

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