Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Life is hard & unfair...

Life is hard and unfair...sometimes unbearable-people cheat, lie and steal; we can't escape these realities or overcome them on our own, but we can walk with the One Who has...Jesus! Jesus has overcome this world-our past, present & future. Our confidence is in Him-He's our anchor of hope when our hope fades-He holds on for us. As Christians, we're not promised exemption from trials, tribulations or tests, but we're promised the peace of God that transcends all understanding, His comfort during conflict & His hope in place of despair. Write God's promises down-expect God to deliver. Make your faith deposits in Him, in advance, so when your breath is knocked out of you & you're laying flat on your back...call on the name of Jesus-His love will sustain you. God never changes-He has the power to keep His promises to you...but His promise are only as powerful to you as you believe and receive them. God's promises stand-they never change & are offered to anyone who believes in & has faith in Him...what do you believe? Expect trials constantly & expect God constantly to be with you during them. God's with us always...His love keeps us safe & gives us hope in the middle of an uncertain world. (Jn 16:33, Phil 4:7, Heb 6:19, Ps 73:23) 2/19/13CIFL-LMM

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