Sunday, February 24, 2013

Some days we just get tired...

Some days we just get tired-we're beat up, feel like a failure, a fake Christian, we don't want to be kind, caring or understanding, we don't want to be mature, take the higher road or believe we have what it takes, we just want to fall out on the floor & have a ginormous big ol' fit & sometimes...we do just that!

But then we regroup, get a grip, get back up & fix our eyes back on Jesus. The good news is the battle's won & it's's over-Jesus took it all! Let this truth encourage you when you've reached the end of yourself & can't take anymore. Jesus is your Helper, Strong Tower, Rock, Deliverer, Refuge, Strength, Shield, Salvation & Stronghold-His love has gone before you in the battle. You can be confident He will bring you through too!

If God's for you who can be against you? God's power works best in your weakness-His grace is sufficient for you & picks up where you end. Remember this the next time you're tired & beat up-God's got it, it's done, it's over...Jesus took it all! Now get back up & get your eyes back on Jesus so you can move through this! (Heb 12:2,  Ps 18:2, 34:19, Rom 8:31, 2 Cor 12:9) 2/25/13LMM #getbackup #christianinsightforlife 

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