Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mostly faithful...

We justify being mostly faithful to God...reasoning  it's more faithful than most people. But mostly isn't completely...and less than completely-isn't acceptable to God. Mostly leaves some of our heart to be given to someone or something else; it interferes and weakens the direct relationship with God. In counseling, this is called triangulation; a third party is involved in a two person communication. This weakens and breaks down the communication between the two. Anything we allow to be placed between us and God weakens our relationship with Him. The first commandment says to have no other gods. If we're being mostly faithful, we've allowed another god in our heart. Deception weaves justification into being acceptable-the focus shifts from being mostly faithful on the first commandment to..."I'm walking out 2-10." The problem, if the first is not kept...the others don't matter. This justification is no different than a spouse saying, "I'm mostly faithful," then going on to say, "I financially provide for the family, I care for the children, I spend time with you, I show you that I love you, etc." If they're not completely faithful-the covenant is violated; the other things don't matter. We can't accept mostly faithful-we'd adulterate the exclusiveness of our covenant with our spouse. Neither can God allow us to adulterate our exclusive covenant with Him. The good news...God always meets us where we are in our understanding-ask Him to search your heart and He will give you revelation knowledge. If we lack wisdom, He will give it to us generously without finding fault. (Exod 20:1-17, Ps 139:23-24, Jas 1:5) 2/24/13CIFL-LMM

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