Saturday, February 15, 2014

Empty yourself of hurt...

Empty yourself of hurt-let Jesus have it...purging every last drop. Emotions will flood you-it's all those years of denying your needs, pushing back tears & trying to prove you were good enough. This is grief... the recognition of what was lost, stolen or never given to you. Grief validates what you says you matter & what happened to you was wrong. The love of Jesus will come in like a flood, crashing waves of His healing, pouring into every chamber & opening...shining His light of love; nothing is overlooked. His love will fill up every hurt area in you, overflowing the sides. Until His love floods you, you're left in darkness-a prisoner of your own pain-a captive...drowning in your own hurt. Will you empty yourself of hurt & let Jesus have all your pain? (Joel 2:24, Rev 3:20) 1/13/13LMM #christianinsightforlife  #hurt #heal #overcome

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