Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Who told you those lies?

Have your children ever come home from school upset and crying because another child made a hurtful comment to them or said mean and untrue things about them to others? The first thing we do as a loving parent is ask, "who told you that?" Then we hug them and look them directly in the eyes and tell them not to believe the lies they were told. We remind them of who they are, their value as a child of God and that another person does not determine their worth. We replace their deception...with our truth.

Are you believing the lies the world is telling you-that you missed your chance, you're too old, it's too late for you to fulfill your dreams, you don't matter, you have nothing to contribute, you will never overcome your past? Go to our Father with these lies and He will ask you, "who told you that?" In Col 2:8 Paul clearly states, "see to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human traditions and basic principles of this world rather than Christ." God will replace the deception you're believing with His Truth...which trumps all the fleeting opinions of the world! Your part, continually (all the time throughout the day) renew your mind with His truth so that you are transformed to His will for you, and not conformed to what the world says you are (Rom 12:2). Blessings friend! 8/14/12LMM #christianinsightforlife #lies #future #truth

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