Friday, February 28, 2014


Vulnerability; taking the risk to be known by others. Exposing the raw parts of your soul...mistakes, desires, fears, dreams, struggles & a hope for the future. It's a scary, heart pounding in the chest, battle of your mind & spirit struggle; you know once the words are spoken, they can't be retrieved. You rise up in the courage & strength of your Father's love & confront the shame that bound you for so many years. The words that shame threatened you with are now... the same words that set you free. You exposed them- the "what if" can no longer hold you a captive-what you bring in the light...loses its power!

Shame makes you feel wrong for the wrong that was done to's a warped ploy of the enemy putting a false sense of responsibility on you. Don't take the bait-it cheats you out of others knowing & accepting all of you. You present what you believe will be accepted for fear others would lose respect if they knew all of you. This results in you feeling like a fake & being empty inside because you're unable to authentically connect.

God truth says where the Spirit of the Lord is...there is freedom-if you're saved-you're free! God has accepted & approved every part of you-this is His truth but you won't feel it until you begin to walk it out with others who will accept all of you like God does. See yourself as God sees you-with His arms wide open & waiting to love you into His likeness. He wants to encourage & soothe you with His love- giving you a hope & a future!

Renew your mind with His promises...His truth stomps out the lies of shame! God's love doesn't increase or decrease according to your obedience, He doesn't get angry & take His love back, He doesn't grow tired of, no, no! He loves all of you all of the time, until...for all of forever-because His Spirit has sealed you! Be vulnerable, take a risk & let others know you; some won't accept you-it's okay, this happens whether you're being vulnerable or not. What matters is God not only accepts you...He approves all of you. It's His approval that will catapult you out of the pit of shame. His love knocks down the things that you use to hold you back. His approval gives you the guts to be you- His masterpiece...will you let God's love rise up in you? (2 Cor 3:17, Col 2:10, Eph 1:13, 2:10, Phil 1:6, Zeph 3:17) 10/7/13LMM #bevulnerable #christianinsightforlife

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