Thursday, March 20, 2014

Don't let doubt jerk you around...

Don't let doubt jerk you around...doubt is what you're feeling, it's not God's truth! God summoned you by name; you're purposed to make a difference-God made your plans long ago! Stand firm & cling to the Word-there will be days your feelings will convince you that you surely missed God. Remember this-your feelings are real, but they are not God's truth. What you feel doesn't change God's truth...but God's truth will change how you feel! What you feel & see doesn't determine your destiny-it's what you believe & follow! God's mapped it out, Jesus has made a way & the Holy Spirit will reassure you! Move forward, enjoy life & let the joy of the Lord to be your strength even when you don't understand or can't see a way & most of all...don't let doubt jerk you around! LMM (Eph 2:10, Phil 1:6, Jn 8:32, Neh 8:10) #donotletdoubtjerkyouaround #christianinsightforlife

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