Thursday, March 27, 2014

Your status is NOT...your identity

Your status is not your careful, the world wants to label you with statuses to qualify your value then call it your identity. Don't confuse a status with your identity-statuses change throughout life but your identity remains the same in Christ-you are His child, there's only one you & He loves you!

God uniquely made you with your individual fingerprint & DNA that no other person has ever had or will ever have. You're a masterpiece that's fearfully & wonderfully made with a purpose to do good works God planned for you long ago. Embrace this truth-it's crucial for your emotional & spiritual development & to sustain the journey the Lord has called you to. The world will make numerous attempts to steal your identity & tell you who you are & what you can plan to accomplish in life. Your status is a label given by the world like single, married, divorced, renter, home owner, professional, unemployed, tax bracket, home address, etc.-they are labels not value indicators & they don't define define them!

You belong to Christ-His love defines, authenticates & completes you! Purpose to know Him & you will be known by Him-His love for you is your identity! Statuses change... God's love & your identity in Him never change! (Eph 2:10, Ps 139:14, Phil 3:10, Col 2:6-10) LMM #youridentityisinchrist #christianinsightforlife

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