Friday, November 23, 2012

Jesus has the answer...

The second your eyes open in the morning, your list is waiting for needs, relationship concerns, bills, cleaning, doctor appointments, clients, travel, home and car repairs...recall of hurtful words from the day before. not have one more thought until you sit with Jesus. Soak up His love...fill up with Him. Your mind reasons you can't because the mornings are so hectic. I know they are, but you start your day on empty if you try to begin it without filling up with Jesus first. Your world can wait...while you fill up with the One...who created your world. Let Him remind you that He's in control of...everything and aware of the most intimate concerns in your heart. Don't try to take on these concerns in your strength, you can't...but He can-let Him. Jesus is before all things and holds all things together in His hands (Col 1:17). Allow Him to pour His warm love in you and over you for you to have complete confidence in His ability as you tackle every issue today with His strength in you. Now, you're filled up for the day and can proceed in peace. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom ( 2 Cor 3:17). 12/11CIFL-LMM

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