Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Perfect Plan...

Many Christians allow situations in their life to interfere with the perfect plan God has for them. In all things God works for the good of those who love Him (Rom 8:28). He uses our mistakes and misfortunes... recycling each one of them into His perfect plan. Situations can consume, overwhelm, and paralyze us at times...but they do not have to determine our destiny. God wants us to know the ending...that He wrote for us. Our trust is the key to knowing what He wrote for us...each person has an individual perfect plan for their life written by God Himself. I've listened to thousands of clients over the years as a Christian Counselor and I continually hear hundreds of reasons from them telling me why they are exempt from God's perfect plan. Here are some of them...lost virginity at 13 years old, learning disability, married four times, job too stressful, three abortions, cost too much, chronic illness, divorced again, no education, depression, interest rates too high, parents abusive, no talents, anxiety disorder, below average, don't have much, DUI's, they're too good for me, job market is not hiring, numerous affairs, aspergers, too afraid, overweight, nothing to say, drug use, just average, jail and prison time, and the list goes on. There's not a situation that exist on this earth that is too big for our touch of His hand...and your world can change in a nanosecond. Your trust is required to walk where it looks like you can't and to believe when it looks like their is nothing to believe in. Remember, through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made (John 1:3). Will you give your situation to Him and let Him make something...from nothing? He's for you...there's no nada, none, nothing bigger than our situation that can be against us, if He is for us (Rom 8:31). Make a decision today that you will no longer allow your situation to rob you of the good plans God has for you (Jer 29:11). Now, move forward and make a difference by letting God turn your situation around for His glory. Blessings! 11/24/12-LMM

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