Thursday, November 15, 2012

Limiting God...opens a door for doubt

Limiting God with your limits...opens a door for doubt to distort what God can do. Questioning and doubting what God can do in your specific situation, limits His ability to  You believe He will do for another, but not you. Ask the Holy Spirit for revelation; you're believing a lie-you're not exempt from God's possibles. Doubting also places a heaviness of hopelessness deep in your spirit further distorting your spiritual vision. Renew your mind with God's promises (Rom 12:2) and read scripture to be encouraged. Look at Luke 1:27-38, a virgin willing to be ridiculed by society, possibly stoned to death, much less what, Joseph, her fiancee would think of her and a million other "what ifs." She didn't know how things would unfold, being pregnant but never having been with a man...who's going to believe her??? But she didn't look at her impossible situation, instead trusted God saying, "let it be done to me according to what you have said." Move forward in this season of your life...knowing what you face is impossible for you...but with God nothing is ever impossible (Luke 1:38). Continue to thank God for making a way-you are bringing the glory of Heaven before you when you thank Him for what He has not brought to fruition. Think about the times when your child or someone has thanked you for what you had not yet done for them. I know as a parent and grandparent, I can hardly wait to bless my kids when they have confidence in me delivering what I promised them. Same holds true for God; when we thank Him in the middle of our trials, knowing with confidence He will provide for us, we are showing Him we believe. It's a Romans 4:17 promise-calling those things that be not, as though they are. Continue to thank God for turning your impossible into His possible. Don't allow doubt to distort what God can do friend. Blessings to you! 8/4/12CIFL-LMM

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