Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Expect trials...

Expect trials constantly and expect God to be with you... constantly. His love keeps you safe and gives you hope in the middle of an uncertain world. Some days life can begin to choke the "life" out of you. You can't go through life independent of God's covering-His provisions, promises and plans. As a Christian, you're not promised exemption from trials, tribulations or tests, but you're promised the peace of God that transcends all understanding, His comfort during conflict and His hope in place of despair. God has the power to keep His promises to you...but His promises are only as powerful to you as you believe, receive and walk them out. God's hope is your anchor during trials while going through life; He's with you's His promise to you.  (Jer 29:11-13, Phil 4:7, Heb 6:19, Ps 73:23) 3/13/13CIFL-LMM

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