Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Time passes...hurts don't

Many dismiss old hurts-reasoning time has passed and nothing can be done. It's true, time has passed...but the hurts haven't. An unresolved hurt is as alive as the day it happened, but it's not always recognized... because it has many layers of life on it. A person is chained to their past until the hurt is resolved. Their perspective is obscured-they see and hear life through their past pain. A person's hurt  perpetuates every generation until it is stopped. Don't throw away the life Jesus died to give you...release your hurt to Him. There's a way that seems right to a man, but in the end, leads to death. Only Jesus can heal you-you can't heal yourself...nor can you heal from what you won't bring in His light. Jesus came to save, bind up our wounds, free us from captivity, bring us out of darkness...to heal us! Until you let the love of Jesus flood you...you're left in darkness, a prisoner in your own life and a captive in your own hurt. Will you release your hurt to Jesus, so you can live the abundant life He offers you? (Isa 61:1, Ps 139:23-24, Pr 14:12, 2 Cor 3:17, Jn 10:10) 3/5/13CIFL-LMM

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