Wednesday, March 27, 2013

You're not a're a masterpiece!

You're not a're a masterpiece-dreams, desires & a destiny are waiting on the inside of you! God chose & knitted you together in the womb. You're not a mistake, after thought or were chosen & loved by God first. People who were suppose to love you & care for you may have treated you wrong, but that doesn't make you wrong. Hold onto this truth-it's your trump card when the enemy whispers lies! God planned every day of your life before you were born; let this truth sink in-you're suppose to be here right now!

When you seek God His love gives life to the dreams, desires & destiny that He put in you-then surrendering you will to His will brings to completion what He started long ago. It's crucial you embrace this truth... the enemy wants you to feel inferior & if you believe His lies more than God's truth you will feel inferior. But if you stand on God's Word, agree with it & believe it more than you believe what your feelings tell you or the enemy whispers then you will develop & grow into the person He created you to be! But you have to leave your comfort zone...there's no by pass! Our faith only grows when we're placed in situations that cause us to be uncomfortable & uncertain-until then we profess our faith but don't know the depth of it until it's tried & tested! How do you know God will do exceedingly & abundantly more than you dare imagine unless you intimately know the Holy Spirit & His power that will flow through you to accomplish God's plans? Until a person experiences the revelation that God is their source for everything they need-they will seek from the hand of man what only the hand of God can deliver! 

Many opt out of God's plans-preferring comfort over uncomfortable & relying on their wisdom instead of God's power. They lean into their understanding & justify reasons they can't follow God's path...a person thinks in their mind they're right but it leads to death. And they forfeit the dreams, desires & destiny God planned for them long ago! Will you trust God to bring to fruition the desires, dreams & destiny He planned long ago? (Ps 139:16, 1 Cor 2:5, Eph 2:10, Phil 1:6, Rom 12:2, Jn 8:31-32, Pr 3:5-6) LMM #trustgod #dreams #desires #destinies #loveignites #christianinsightforlife

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