Friday, March 15, 2013

You are more than a conqueror...

Becoming more than a conqueror in Christ-the long & hard seasons that deplete & fatigue you...are the very same ones that prepare & catapult you into becoming a conqueror! Don't try to pray these difficult seasons away for you or anyone else; they're the building blocks for an identity in Christ-the true self. These seasons press, push & purge the securities you hold onto instead of Christ...allowing for God's love to flood your heart, mind & soul. It's a beautiful thing to find Christ's love in the middle of your emptiness & fatigue. When all the props are taken away, back ups removed, comforts that made you feel approved, good enough & important are gone-then you will find Jesus, His love, security & promises. It's when you're at your end...then you're known by Him my friend-it's how you become more than a conqueror!

A conqueror doesn't gain strength based on merit, what they accomplish or what they can do for someone, but a conqueror knows their strength comes from the One Who chose & justified them. Who can come against you if God's for you, can anything separate you from His love, a situation too big for Him, a hardship He can't handle, a hurt He's never heard of??? Nothing, nada, no one can come between Christ & you-ever! Don't run from this hard season- you'd be running from the arms of Christ & He wants you to know He loves you & that in Him you're more than a conqueror! Will you trust Christ to love & strengthen you through this season? (Rom 8:31-39) 3/15/13LMM #conqueror #overcomer #hardships #nothingistoobigforchrist #christianinsightforlife

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